Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Video File Download: Internet Explorer Fluke

We have had reports from instructors using ANGEL that they can play mp4 files (if the QuickTime plug-in is loaded), however, if you download the video file to the desktop using Internet Explorer and then try to play (using QuickTime), you’ll see an error message stating QuickTime cannot play that file type.

We’ve determined that when you download the file, IE7 changes the file extension from .mp4 to .mpg which generates the error message in QuickTime. If you change the extension back to .mp4, it will play correctly. When downloading an mp4 file with Firefox, the extension is not changed and consequently the file plays correctly in QuickTime.

This problem seems to be connected to using IE7 with an LMS. Both ANGEL and Blackboard download .mp4 files in a manner that changes the extension. From ANGEL the extension is changed to .mpg which then must be changed back to .mp4. Blackboard leaves the .mp4 extension, but appends a long string of text after it which renders the file unplayable. Deleting the extra text after the expected extension will then allow the video to play.

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