Thursday, September 3, 2009

How Students Can View Their Grades

If you have the Grades nugget on your course home page, students will be able to see an overview of their grades when they log into your course. Students should click the Refresh link on the Grades nugget to see the most current view.

To get a detailed listing of grades, a student can click anywhere on the graph within the Grades nugget. This action will bring the student to the Reports console, with Learner Profile > Gradebook Grades already selected. All the student needs to do is to click the Run button. They may also want to switch the view from Chart to Table for a more understandable summary of grades.

Any assignments or assessments in their grade summary can be accessed from the grade report by clicking on the link to that assignment or assessment. This technique works even if you have put the assignments inside a hidden folder. As long as the folder is hidden but the actual assignments are not hidden, the student will be able to access them via the links on their grade report.

If you do not include the Grades nugget in your course, students can still get grade reports by going to the Reports tab, choosing Learner Profile in the first drop-down menu and Gradebook Grades in the second drop-down menu, and clicking Run.

A more detailed report can be accessed by going to the Reports tab, choosing Grades in the first drop-down menu and Student Grades in the second drop-down menu.

Finally, previewing this action in your student view may or may not produce accurate results. Your students will be able to access their grade reports, but an instructor using the student view may not.

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