Sunday, January 25, 2009

Announcements Everywhere

Announcements come in two varieties: course specific and institutional. You, the instructor, send out the course specific announcements while institutional announcements deal with scheduled server outages or other system-wide issues. Students and faculty can add or delete the My Announcements nugget from their Personal Home Page. That nugget includes both types of announcements.

Within the course, the instructor can include a Course Announcements nugget. It will include only the announcements that the instructor issues. As previously stated, these announcements will also appear in the My Announcements nugget on the Personal Home Page, mixed in with announcements from all other courses in which the student or instructor is enrolled and with the institutional announcements. If you want to create announcements that are not listed on the Personal Home Page, use the Course News nugget within your course.

If you or your students delete the My Announcements nugget from their Personal Home Page, the log-in page for ANGEL still includes the Public Announcements nugget which displays institutional announcements.

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