Saturday, September 12, 2009


Correction: While the steps indicated in yesterday’s message cover the Item Analysis feature, they do not address how you would view an individual student's answers. To do this:

  1. Go to Utilities for that assessment.

  2. Select View, Grade or Delete Submissions.

  3. Next to a student's name, click either View or Grade, depending on whether you just want to see their answers or if you want to grade the assessment.

  4. And that’s it!

If you want to see the Item Analysis for the assessment, use the following steps (the same steps listed in yesterday’s newsletter).

  1. Go to the item (Assessment) on the Lessons tab.

  2. As you mouse over the item, links appear below the item (Settings, Reports, Utilities, Delete).

  3. Click on the Reports link and you will see the following options:

    Activity Summary: Displays the number of times each user has accessed this item
    Activity Detail: Displays the complete activity log for this item
    Item Analysis: Shows a summary of responses by question

  4. Select Item Analysis and you will be able to review the answers students gave to each question.

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