Monday, October 20, 2008

LOR Linking Problem

We reported the following to ANGEL Technical Support:

"When you create a new folder from scratch in the Learning Object Repository (LOR) and then use Lessons > Add Content > File (or Page or Section Heading or Link), we found these results. The Section Headings failed to link at all (they did not appear in the linked folder), the (web) Link did appear and worked in the linked folder but the File or Page objects generated an "Access Denied" error. It does not seem to matter if the uploaded pages are HTML or PDFs or other file types.

"THIS IS THE SERIOUS ISSUE since faculty should be able to construct lessons/folders with content in the LOR and then successfully link to the folder, not just the individual items within the folder."

The reply from ANGEL:

"I apologize for the inconvenience and frustration that this has caused you and your users. I have verified that all of these linked LOR items were working in 7.3 July and they were broken with the 7.3 September update. I have entered this as an issue and it has been assigned #31081 for your tracking purposes.

"I have also gone ahead and escalated this to our Maintenance Planning Team (MPT) for consideration of a fix sooner rather than later because this is a core part of curriculum planning.

"I have discovered that you can work around this by expanding the folder and linking to the actual contents items instead of linking to the folder. You can then also move them into a folder inside the course and the links will still work. MPT usually meets on Monday. I will post the response back to this ticket as soon as I receive it.

"Thank you for bringing this to our attention."

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